An exploration of the UK unpaid carer's world

The how and why relating to song and music therapy

The aim of this page is to enable readers to see the potential for song and music therapy by showing some aspects of its use.

Readers may include:

  • song and music leaders
  • performers
  • healthcare professionals and other organisers 
  • healthcare students
  • students of music
  • carers interested in using songs and music informally with their carees and/or fellow carers


  1.  How
  2. Why
  3. Adult and older children carees with moderate impairment
  4. Adult and older-child carees with severe learning difficulties
  5. The ways in which Group 2 sessions can be run


1  How 

Organisers need only make contact to secure a             best-fit programme here.

The main forms of my musical interaction are:

Group 1 

People of all ages and normality including carers and, when possible, their carees

  1. Leading a song session or sessions wherein the audience is encouraged to participate by singing
  2. The same and the audience is encouraged to sing solo when the situation has been assessed.  
  3. Some may make a contribution, perhaps with a story or poem.  This helps those who are shy and who may later sing solo.  
  4. The same as No. 1 and the audience is encouraged to play an instrument  
  5. A song/music session or sessions wherein the audience only listens.  more here  
  6. The audience listens and we discuss what is being listened to      as 5  more here
  7. A programme devised by discussion.
        See Group 1 here


Group 2 

People of all ages and with ailments which restrict some of the above

Song and music for those who later in life contract dementiaMS etc.   

See No, 1  Adult impairment  here 

More in Panel 5

Group 3 

Adults with ailments which restrict  most of the above 

See Group 2 here

Songs and music for adults with special needs - little participation  here 

Group 4

Adult carers and older children who are carers

Go to the  Recycled songs Home page here

Therapy is too strong a word.  It's more to do with carers relaxing together and another aspect of the carer voice


The procedures outlined in Groups 2, 3, & 4 should be read in the context of health care professionals and other organisers being involved. 

 2  Why


There exists an inherent association between songs and human contact since lyrics represent melodic verbal communication. Thus, the use of songs in music therapy can have natu­rally meaningful applications. Elements of song experiences--cognitive stimulation, the building of relationships, singing, and listening--can provide frameworks for tension release, integration, and pleasure.In order to most effectively use song material in music therapy,  

source - p 5 here


Music therapy involves using music to aid rehabilitation. Specific treatments may include the use of rhythmic stimulation to aid movement and walking, singing to address speaking and voice quality, listening to music to reduce pain and the use of music improvisations to address emotional needs and enhance a sense of wellbeing.

source - p2 here


"Long-term memories are usually stronger than memories of recent events."

Connecting  carees with mental health issues with their early memories will exercise and, ideally,  improve their memory generally.  Those with Alzheimer's disease are not the only ones who will benefit.

4   Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease impairs memory and affects reasoning, judgment, and the ability to learn, communicate, and perform everyday functions. People with Alzheimer’s disease can quickly become confused and disoriented. Long-term memories are usually stronger than memories of recent events. Although it can strike earlier, this progressive disease generally strikes people over age 65.

source   Click the "read more" link in the Memory Loss section. is owned by Healthline Networks, Inc., and is funded through advertising. 



  1. Dementia
  2. Alzheimer's disease
  3. Special Educational Needs
  4. Arts For Healing: Music and Art Therapy
  5. Music therapy



3 Adult and older children carees with moderate impairment

  1. Within the aim of making use of the long-term memory  (LTM) ability of carees, songs and music which fall into their LTM are the initial focus.  
  2. Once a range of songs and music has been established, it is possible to keep records of who is able to respond to specific songs and music and at what level - to be defined. 
  3. The next stage involves the introduction of new songs and music.  No predictions are made as to when.   
  4. Repeat 2 in the new context.
  5. Evaluate.
        More in Panel 5

4  Adult and older-child carees with severe learning difficulties

Songs and music for adults with special needs here


 5 The ways in which sessions can be run include:

        Mainly for Group 2

  1. Singing  simple songs such as Coming round the mountains without song sheets
  2. Using song sheets or song books - example
  3. As 1 or 2 where the leader uses one or more musical  instruments 
  4. As 1 or 2 where the leader uses a backing track or
  5. As 1 or 2 where the leader uses youtube as a backing track with a Tablet etc and amplifier
  6. As 5 with a laptop and screen
  7. Karaoke.songs via 6 or witha player.
  8. As 3 where the carees use instruments.  
        Mainly for Group 2





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