An exploration of the UK unpaid carer's world

Dementia Herefordshire 

Home page

  1. Some general links
  2. Dementia Strategy and Action Plan
  3. People with Dementia and their Carers - Strategy and Implementation Plan 2013-2015
  4. Hereford Memory Clinic Service
  5. re 4, Work is not joined up between clinicians



Google on which page see

Living well with dementia in Herefordshire - strategy

- carer  included 48 times


Dementia Services - Herefordshire CCG here

- carer  included twice

the page includes:

Herefordshire care pathway [pdf] 381KB  

Dementia Strategy and Action Plan [docx] 50KB 

Intergrated needs assesment for people with dementia and their carers [pdf] 786KB  

Find these links here.



Herefordshire: Dementia Day centres services here


Dementia-friendly  here 

Dementia Triangle of Care  here



2  Dementia Strategy and Action Plan [docx] 50KB  


In Herefordshire, there are estimated to be approximately 3000 people with Dementia , but only 34% of people have been diagnosed . This means that services and opportunities may not be available at the right time to support people with Dementia and their carers. Herefordshire’s demographics, with a large and growing proportion of people aged 65 and over, means that the prevalence of Dementia, and the need for high quality services that enable people with Dementia to remain independent, is growing.     

and the £ pool is becoming shallow

The Health and Wellbeing Board recognizes dementia as one of the long-term conditions affecting Herefordshire that would benefit from a shared partnership approach to ensuring that people and their carers are supported during all stages of their illness or caring role. 

is this apparent in practice?

3  People with Dementia and their Carers 

Strategy and Implementation Plan 2013-2015

3.1 Timely provision of practical information for patients, carers and families on diagnosis and through the patient journey

Five CrISP 1 programmes have been planned for 2014-15 for people who are caring for those with a recent dementia diagnosis. 

3.2  To promote carers to register and participate in local carers forums

       Support carers of people with dementia through 1-2-1 and group support  

       The local Mind office lost funding for these. 

        CrISP 1 programmes not explained - see here  more  Herefordshire

4 Hereford Memory Clinic Service


Rated as high quality by patients and peer review, accredited by RC Psych

Patients can attend with a family member or carer  

The team have sic developed a referral guide with information for GPs 

Patients are provided with a Case Register

The last line does not come within the author's experience.

4.2  Weaknesses

Waiting list is approximately 6 months, which means that few get early diagnosis 

Concern that GPs may be holding back on referrals due to long waiting times 

Some GP referrals are poor, e.g lack of information about social situation 

Medical focus of sessions. All patients are seen by a consultant 

All Memory Clinic staff are male, causing problems if a female requires an ECG


All patients are seen by a consultant - not in the author's experience if that is supposed to include outpatients who are assessed at home.  His wife has not seen a consultant.  On 20 Dec 2016, her first annual assessment due in August had not been  carried out.

4.3 Threats

The Memory Clinic is not able to handle the current demand for services. As demand increases, waiting times will increase further and the benefits of early diagnosis will not be realised for these patients

 ‘Manpower review’ underway by 2gether Foundation Trust. May have further impact of the staffing and capacity of the Memory Clinic 

Requirement to maintain accreditation.

4.4 Navigating the system

“Work is not joined up between clinicians and the voluntary sector services which potentially means duplication of activities and work”



In concluding this page, the author has selected the most appropriate statement:

re Hereford Memory Clinic Service  - 

."Work is not joined up between clinicians .." 

source see last line of   Navigating the system - p6.   Plenty more negative comment.

The author, as carer, has direct experience.

pagetop here   for pasting    Dementia Herefordshire Home page here