St. Richard’s Hospice Foundation Songs within day care here
a hidden page for staff Song lists - Main page here
5 Rationale
1 Current songs
2 The list
The songs have been selected from a long list here. Reader contribution and comment welcomed via here.
4 Aims
The main aim is for patients to migrate to the song sessions when they feel they want to. No coercion is planned.
Patients who sing on a regular basis might be encouraged in due course, to decide how we operate. They could be encouraged to think about ways to increase the group size.
It is hoped that patients will use musical instruments in due course.
The mix of old and new songs will change. "New" means entirely new and not songs within this series of pages.
It is hoped to meet the other song coordinator - Tuesdays?
5 Rationale
Readers with sufficient time and interest might look at rationale here.
St Richard's previous text here
pagetop here for pasting St. Richard’s Hospice Foundation - Songs within day care here
Satellite page in No. 2 - 25 Songs within day care here
Reader contribution and comment welcomed via here.