An exploration of the UK carer world

 A New University for Hereford                                                                     Home page

A page addressed to those involved with organisation.

  1. This is a permanently hidden page and there is no link from the Home page.  There is no search facility on this website.

  2. Your page - The New University Hereford is here.  Any feedback on content of any page in the series is welcome and if changes are requested relating to your page, please list them.

  3. The story starts with a letter claiming that a university for Hereford would be a huge folly here.  My reply is on the page and below on this page.

  4. The online version makes full use of the NUH site as is evident below. Some points made in the reply don't have a link and any other text etc will be processed when sent.

  5. (Sustainable Development Advocacy) is shown at No. 10 on your page.  My first question is about whether you want it listed.  My second question asks - if not, why?

  6. I hope to see inclusion of the progression from FE to HE as embodied in the    A University for Herefordshire - Herefordshire & Ludlow College page here.  

  7. David Sheppard has been contacted as he and I live in Ross.  I mentioned that this Carer World website hosts the NUH topic.  One aspect is long-term since there is no indication that healthcare professionals will be directly involved in NUH courses.  However, I note the type of courses envisaged.  No. 13 explains.

  8. At a later stage, I will open pages on University of Worcester healthcare courses and seminars.

  9. Per 13, I expressed interest in involvement in meetings, committees etc.  The prime reason is to be involved in the development of NUH and promoting its success.  

  10. Those who read about NUH on this site add to public awareness.  Few unpaid carers are likely to be interested but healthcare professionals who read the site may find their way to NUH for human interaction education here.

  11. They may express interest in Knowledge-Intensive & Creative Industries here within the blank canvas here.

  12. If investment in world-class research and teaching is to keep pace with the best in the world in an age of austerity, how can we pay for it?  - No. 6 here   and it is the fundamental question raised by the Folly author.  Answers please.

  13. Ditto re - What role can higher education play in promoting sustainable economic growth and a rebalanced economy across England? 

  14. I trust that sending this notification in advance of any publication which ensues via the Hereford Times/Journal will not lead to you contacting editors re the content of what has been written.  Naturally, I would prefer that I deal with any comment in that context.

  15. There will be topics etc added/added to as they arise.  Emails will not be sent each time.  The one sent to David Sheppard 14 04 14 has returned undelivered.
  16. The following message to <> was undeliverable.

Another look at the reply letter is warranted. More needed, demonstrate  could well come from your knowledge of the website, its satellites, and other useful sources.


Stephen Constance's letter of 9 April makes sense in the economic climate but, judging from the website devoted to "A New University for Hereford" (NUH), his opening remark on the "Shire" aspect of the situation seems irrelevant.  His economic-based comments, however,  need a more in-depth treatment as seen on NUH.


Readers need not look for the website as they will find it and lots of supporting information via and then via the Updates page. This online version of the published letter contains many links to relevant text etc as you see in blue text.

Both websites indicate where the money will come from. demonstrate   One result is that over £77 million per year will be added to the local economy. No. 11 here.

NUH is clear in its mission and how/when that will be achieved. demonstrate  It doesn't hide its head in the sand and deals with the various negative issues relating to our County. No. 12 here  more needed

NUH focuses on Mr Constance's "doers". demonstrate  The matter of  students going on to "jobs which have nothing to do with the degree they have obtained" is dealt with on the website.demonstrate   A consideration is at No. 13 here
It asks questions like " What is the purpose of higher education in the 21st century?" 
- No. 6 here - and gives answers - " Universities are an integral part of the supply chain to business—a supply chain that has the capability to support business growth and therefore economic prosperity."

It is forward-looking to the extent of  ". . in 2050, businesses will look very different from today, and will be virtually unrecognisable from those of thirty years ago. Successful organisations will be capable of adapting their operational and intellectual infrastructures as their businesses, customers and markets evolve."  more at No. 7 here more needed Just what our County needs - education for success!

We are informed that " The New University will be working in close collaboration with Herefordshire College of Arts, Hereford & Ludlow College, and the Royal National College for the Blind to ensure that Herefordshire is recognized as a national centre of excellence in education." working with them doesn't demonstrate the case  No. 4 here
One of my pages here looks at the innovative Hereford & Ludlow College which is already developing the pathway for those in Further Education to make the transition to Higher Education. Similar organisations will follow. suggestions?

Lastly, for the moment, readers of my website will find out about " The placement of higher education as a key catalyst in Herefordshire Council’s economic regeneration plans" in small bites. here more needed

There's an abundance of difficult questions to be asked - No. 6 here - and answered demonstrate   concerning a new University for Hereford.  Through the auspices of Hereford Times and Hereford Journal here, and working together, we'll find answers which guide our aspirant undergraduates to a tailor-made university on their doorstep.

pagetop here    for pasting   A New University for Hereford - a page fao organisers here

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