An exploration of the UK unpaid carer's world

 A1 sheet on kitchen back door - from March 2016.  These notes save me repeating things to new carers and also aim to revise for others.  Placed on door March 2016.  This page updates on 27 Aug 2016

1 Intro to the carer crib-sheet

1. Everyone does so well. With 25 homes each to look after, it’s a wonder you know where anything goes. I don’t and I live here!

2. Consider all requests here to begin with ‘please’.

3. They are part of the Family Plan B in case I am not here. Also the Ashfield Plan B for emergency carers.

2 General

1. Check the operations board under the Carers heading.  

2. All post to be left on kitchen surface and NOT given to Teresa. Medical reports etc for her would be confusing and upsetting.

3. Put red wheelchair on charge if needed. Charger in sitting room. Turn off before charging.

3 Bedroom & bathroom - morning

1. Commode - deal with in garage + Dettol. Check washing machine and deal with any wet washing. No wet                 washing in the house - dry outside or in garage on lines or clothes-horse.

2. Straighten bed clothes, don’t tuck in. Take big red-backed cushion to spare room.

3. Take night-time drinking vessels to kitchen to wash up.

4. Wash Teresa’s back and encourage agreement re washing underneath.   Check laundry bin.

4 Kitchen - morning

1. Take a  glass of water and Nescafe cappuccino to sitting room on T’s arrival. Ensure she has the bell.

2. Double-handed drinkers wash by hand. Empty dishwasher. Deal with dirty crockery etc – mainly in dishwasher. No wood in dishwasher. Read notes on wall above. Main item – sharp knives point down.

3. Wipe fridge shelves if needed. No heavy china on high shelves near sink. Drinking vessels, jugs etc base-up on shelves  ( not on chart - ie not upside down).

4. The only pan left out is the milk pan (+ small wooden spoon) in front of toaster. The rest go under the oven & large ones in garage. (not on chart  - Pans do not go on top of the microwave 

5. Waste food disposer -  Don't use unless shown.   Keep hard items well clear and keep plastic mesh cover on it.

6. If time available, see if enough jellies, mashed potato. Ask if potatoes & veg etc to prepare.

Tidy polythene-items shelf.  Clean oven.  Familiarise yourself.

7. Clear/clean surfaces and sink area. Clean bowl & hang wet tea towels/dish cloths to dry before you leave.    No wet cloths or water etc left in clean bowl, which is lifted from sink base so as not to mark base.

5 Evening

Written for winter

Switch lights on from top of drive on arrival. Lock door once you’re inside. On departure, turn porch lights off. Switch lights off from top of drive.

6 Bedroom – evening

1.  See 2.3 - ignore "if needed" and charge wheelchair  .Follow list in far corner

2. Arrange bedding so that there is no fold-over at Teresa’s neck. Tuck in top corner only.

7 Kitchen – evening

Relevant items from 4 as per time available. The last item if nothing else.

8 Conclusion

1. Thank you for your professionalism. Suggestions for this list welcomed. Refer to entries as 3.2, 4.8 etc.

2. Together, we will make Teresa’s life the best possible. 

3.  I value your role in that.

Prof etc  March 2106

pagetop       Carer crib sheet  here.

                      The author's stories Home page here.  Section A, Item 6.