An exploration of the UK unpaid carer's world

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This is an email sent to DC 5 Sept.  It cross-references the  draft press release - PR -  here.  

Updates of same date are in red text



  1. Intro
  2. Publicity - content
  3. Publicity timing and recipients
  4. Numbers
  5. Admin
  6. Emergencies
  7. Modus operandi at URC
  1. Although the two DMCs operate on three days a week, it is proposed to operate Ross DMC on one day per week.

  2. Although the two DMCs operate from 10- 4, it is proposed to operate Ross DMC from 11 to 3 in the first two weeks and then assess the situation.

  3. Looking at the URC calendar, Wednesday seems the most viable.

  4. A long draft press release has been written and it includes photos.  Once we have discussed the following it will be edited and handed to you.  You have it on this page

  5. When you have seen it, it goes to Dr Lennane.   That is to say, once you have made comment and after our Thursday discussion.

  6. That done, it goes to the Gazette.- RG

  7. The proposed DMC start date is Weds 21 Sept.  If that is too soon, please say when is OK.  Push the following on by whatever time needed.  We proceed without start date in mind.

  8. Copy needed by RG latest Monday 12 Sept for publication on the Weds, one week before.  Date to be decided.
  10. However, if accepted, it will need a full page. 

  11. I propose to take the draft in asap  during week commencing tomorrow Monday 5 Sept. Date to be decided.   As there are links, it is on a hidden webpage.  Links removed before RG sees it.

  12. Once the final press release has been accepted by RG,  I will send it to Phil Shackell.  Might bring the next meeting closer.  It may be better to decide once things are more developed.

1  Intro


Dr Lennane at Alton Street Surgery, in case you don't know, is the Mental Health lead on the Clinical Commissioning Group.  He is a member of the Ross Mental Health and Wellbeing Steering Group which, as you well know, meets at URC.


We had a detailed conversation on 1 Sept and Dr L is backing an immediate start to a Dementia Meeting Centre (DMC) in Ross.  He and I are relieved and encouraged to have your support.


 I outlined a broad procedure and operational plan which Dr L supports.


However, this does not assume anything vis a vis URC and I hope you and I could talk about the project as  nothing can be finalised.     My number is 07952 060 505.


Once we have broad agreement on what follows, this will go to Dr Lennane.  He needs to look at 2.21 & 2.23.     


To discuss the St Mary's dementia talk on Thurs 22 Sept at 3pm.    see  newsletter and slide down on the right  - more later    

The DMC will start well after this date.  I will endeavour to attend.  Teresa comes home from the daycare centre and is tired.


The text here is not exhaustive so do add etc as you go along

2   Publicity - content     blue text is in the press release     not all links are there

  1. Dates and times according to the URC calendar
  3. The broad hope is to issue publicity via Ross Gazette (RG)  relating to the first DMC session at URC during week commencing (WC) Monday 19 Sept - 1100 to 1600.    Dates to be decided. 
  5. Dates and times of two public meetings (3pm and 7pm) four weeks later - WC Monday 10 October  - to consider

  6. The whole DMC project  history, rationale and key future stages -- -- in one paragraph - on reflection - to be saved for a later report

  7. Important stipulations such as no personal care can be carried out.  This involves use of the WC.  Also medication.  PR A11

  8. Where the UK DMCs are now but not those in pipeline  Leominster and Droitwich PR A5

  9. A summary of what happens at a DMC in list format  PR Section B

  10. What will happen at the Ross DMC  - spread around the press release

  11. When it will happen.  URC to decide the day of the week.  DMCs so far, operate three days a week - Tues, Weds, Thurs.  One of these days is recommended but URC calendar seems to settle on  Weds.

  12. It has been made clear that the DMC will only operate within this pilot stage on a one day per week due to self-funding.  If those attending want to extend, it will be discussed.  £3 per person will cover the lunch and its preparation is part of the day's activities.  By agreement on the first day, £1 per person will cover unlimited hot and cold drink.  The £4 would have been spent on the same at home so no one is out of pocket.  Also by agreement on the first day, £1 per person will go towards the purchase equipment and art etc materials.  Time will be given at least once a month for discussion of all aspects of the Ross DMC operation.

  13. An invitation is extended to carers with carees who are at the early or intermediate stage of dementia  PR C 32

  14. An invitation is extended to people who are at the early or intermediate stage of dementia who cope without a carer and/or who still drive and/or who are able to self-organise Dr Lennane to approve this text.  PR C 34

  15. Use of the term dementia does not rule out those who suffer from related mind ailments  Dr Lennane to approve this text.    PR C 38

  16. An invitation is extended to the general public to attend a meeting on ....  being considered whether to include this

  17. An invitation is extended to individuals/companies interested in supporting the project financially to attend a meeting on ... being considered whether to include this

  18. To minimise parking problems, transport is hoped to be arranged via whatever community transport, and RWVS

  19. Aspects of  7  -  Modus operandi at URC  will be included once dealt with  on Thursday

3  Publicity timing and recipients  - according to what the URC calendar suggests but per your decision

  1. Target publication date Weds 12 Sept.  The Ross DMC start day and date, ideally Weds  21 Sept 

  2. A note to ditto by Monday 19 re publishing a reminder in the RG issue of 21 Sept?  Dates to be decided

  3. The St Mary's dementia talk on Thurs 22 Sept at 3pm takes place a week after publication - 1.6.  Chrissie Pepler as shown - me to contact her the day after publication?  Link at 1.6

  4. To discuss Assoc of Ross Traders v writing to individual companies

  5. To discuss use of local radio and other media

  6.                      Alzheimer's Society - funding existing DMCs

  7.                      County Council - minor funding of existing DMCs at present

  8. Invite people/companies within the Leominster programmes to visit without charge  - via here
       16  One aim of the Ross DMC is to promote a different model of DMC creation from the official model (having just said it is tedious).  That will involve occasional visitors.     

Given that there will be a body which decides how our DMC operates, the detail will be worked out.  One way of doing things is to group interested parties which send one visitor, or established groups such as Ross Traders send one visitor.  It is hoped that Ross Gazette which has given our project the limelight will come back, say once a quarter, to report progress.  
P R C 15

4  Numbers

  1. Dr Lennane may put forward 10 patients = 20 with their carers.  If Pendeen wants to repeat, we may be looking at two days a week.  I need to find out from both surgeries what their intentions are.  You can make what ever stipulation you like about anything.  If one day is the decision, possibly no Pendeen. 

  2. And that will be an important determinant as to what the publicity says about others coming in.  May leave more space to focus on finding £.

5 - Admin

  1. "Participant" = carers and carees

  2. Participant records via surgery-sourced carers and carees? - I need to find out about

  3. Participant records of others will be dealt with by DMC-system docs

  4. DMC-system docs will cover everyone involved  Will show on Thurs

  5. They include the optional use of participant photographs.  Need same for volunteers.

  6. Need to establish how URC insurance and public liability applies to the situation . . .

  7. . . . and what our project needs

6 - Emergencies

  1. The record system is of vital importance

  2. Fire drill routine to be established

  3. Trained first aid volunteers available at all times

  4. To consider what other training is needed

7 - Modus operandi at URC


7.1  Involvement of the congregation as project volunteers

  1. If thought appropriate and if you are to outline the DMC on Tuesday 12 Sept, I can provide an overview as a user.  Answer Qs if time.

  2. Will there be a DMC committee/working party etc?  I am available.  This is the logical response to the overall DMC project requirement for an Advisory Body.

  3. Assuming that the kitchen is open to the Ross DMC, will a URC member be in attendance?  Would be useful on the first day and until everyone knows the routine.

  4. A list of opportunities can be drawn up with URC members having first preference

  5. The broad opps could include:

7.2  Opportunities - provisional  - for volunteers

  1. First aid

  2. Transport and parking

  3. Meeting/greeting - cloakroom - ensuring WCs are warm, clean and equipped

  4. Perhaps add or make separate - general tidiness of rooms etc during the day

  5. Seating

  6. Looking after equipment, collections, and art etc material

  7. Catering

  8. Notices and other internal comms  -  I have a noticeboard ready for DMC use

  9. Secretary, Publicity Secretary, Treasurer. 

  10. A title for the main person responsible needs discussion.  Not Manager.  Let's use Leader for the moment.

  11. The Secretary would maintain personal and equipment records.  It is not envisaged at this stage that the Sec would deal with general correspondence.

  12. The Publicity Secretary - obvious but vol not needed yet

  13. The Treasurer would collect the meal money plus any for trips, transport etc.  To discuss the wider aspects.  Bank account?  Need to set up as a formal org.  See new 29

  14. The Leader would ensure Admin and Emergencies above are dealt with.  Someone with experience of risk assessment is needed.  So far, the draft publicity doc says I do the donkey work.  PR  A 13  The Ross Mental Health and Wellbeing Steering Group is looking at hiring a Community Worker.  Eventually and within three days a week operation, three staff on 20 - 30 hrs/week might appear.

  15.  New  It is hoped that the Thursday discussion will look at the URC adopting the DMC project   rather than the DMC project having to go through constituting, finding trustees, being quorate, becoming an employer etc?  The employees, ideally,  would be paid by the CCG, which no doubt has other tasks in the Mental Health field, so would be employed by whichever org wins the contract to do all the MH stuff the CCG is commissioning. The DMC would be one project for this contract, I imagine.

  16. New   However, PR A7 says this: "One aspect of innovation is the speed at which it is being developed.  Normally there is a slow procedure to recruit the right people, followed by several extensive meetings, which can take up to a year." The CCG process would extend the year.  The spirit of the PR is be up and running without delay.  Reduce the red tape by whatever means.  Show the powers-that-be what they are to fund rather than make applications for an outlined DMC.  If URC can take on the project, finance and all, if and when money comes from Govt sources, the position can be reviewed.

  17. New If the Ross DMC is taken on by URC lock, stock and barrel, an extensive amount of constraint and hard labour is much reduced.  Fewer applications and reports to make.  URC can decide if it wants to be shackled to the Univ of Worcester project.  That alone almost needs a member of staff to deal with. 

7.3  Some opportunities in more detail

7.3.1  Transport

blue text is in the press release

  1. It might be useful to invite RWVS for discussion and possible involvement in the operation of the DMC

  2. Participants and all others involved will be invited to contribute to the organisation of the Ross DMC.  A decision-making process will emerge. Last sentence may be going too far.

  3. Alan and his wife Teresa  have made many friends at the Leominster DMC.  He hopes Ross DMC will meet the Leominster DMC half way en route

  4. That will need to be organised soon - weather.  Teresa is a lone wheelchair user.  Ross DMC may well be different.

7.3.2  Parking

  1. To minimise parking problems, transport is hoped to be arranged via whatever community transport, and RWVS

  2. Please say how the parking will operate - A - if Merton is likely to cooperate  - B - other car parks: reasonable availability? 

  3. It needs to be clear to all that medium/long-term parking outside the Church, even involving wheelchairs, is not permitted.

  4. The Leominster DMC enjoys seven-hour disability parking.  Probably a waste of time to ask for same.

  5. The Transport and Parking person/people might take on disability parking juggling

7.3.3  Use of rooms

  1. From our brief chat on Sunday, I gather the main activity area (MAA)  to be the Church itself

  2. It is hoped that the back room (BR) will be available

  3. I hope to take a look at available storage space, if any

  4. Can we explore the use of folding partitions?  Useful for small group work, massage, reminiscense collections.  For use and storage in the BR.  Best if one (if more than one is OK, it or they can be folded) can be permanent as there will be collections such as the reminiscence items, sewing items, art material, books, turntable records, craft material and so on.  I imagine present storage space isn't space. 
    So far, the draft publicity doc says there  will be Knit and natter  - and  - Shed talk.  The latter might produce a partition or two.

  5. Absorb the Leom DMC via
    See pods at 5.1

  6. MAA would be used for activites involving everyone.  Are there types of activity you want to exclude?
      12  BR use would include showing films, meetings when carers and carees are separated to obtain group    

             feedback, for visitor discussion while MAA is in motion, etc

7.3.4   Catering

blue text is in the press release

  1. We can eat together any day; £3 - £4 per head can be pooled towards a shared meal

  2. The shared meal can be made working as a team or by a smaller number of participants

  3. We can add £1 per head to cover unlimited hot and cold drink

  4. This where volunteers will be useful in coordinating any team-produced meals.  URC vols even better.

7.3.5  Seating

  1. Absorb the Leom DMC via  in seating context

  2. Note the variety of seating

  3. Even if someone donated £ to buy such chairs, no room to store

7.3.6   Reminiscence therapy

  1. Reminiscence therapy is well-used within DMCs and participants enjoy including their photos and memorabilia in the reminiscence sessions. Making the most of long-term memory  contributes to overall wellbeing.   Sharing memories is a major part of that.  That mincer or washboard in the loft dating from 1940 etc, those vynyl records and long-since used CDs of old songs and music can be handed in at the St Michael's Hospice charity shop in Gloucester Road. Add working Meccano models etc Dinky toys, tiny Morris Minors. [Add other examples please}  You get the idea, don't you. Please don't give old clothes. 

16 Sept  

Ignore this section and treat as archive - the up-to-date 

version is here

Let's begin.  

Timing needs an in-depth reassessment.  This continues previous text and is from -  Email - A DMC for Ross  here

Publicity Timing and related aspects  

Ignore small print which has been dealt with.  From 12 Sept to Nov 2, there are eight weeks.  

  1. Although the two DMCs operate on three days a week, it is proposed to operate Ross DMC on one day per week.

  2. Although the two DMCs operate from 10- 4, it is proposed to operate Ross DMC from 11 to 3 in the first two weeks and then assess the situation.

  3. Looking at the Christ Church calendar, Wednesday seems the most viable.

  4. A long draft press release has been written and it includes photos.  Once we have discussed the following it will be edited and handed to you.  You have the link variously on this page  which is in need of revision.  A week from publication date doesn't give enough time to recruit volunteers (some CC vols may come forward  after Elders' decision).  Retired and former healthcare workers will be added to the text.  

  5. What is the position re vols and DBS?  If vols come from within CC, can the DBS routine be completed on line in time for Nov 2?  Ditto if vols come forward after first PR.  The process after using the computer may be too long.  If so, can they begin on Nov 2?  I have never had any problem in the situation.  Assuming the go-ahead comes soon, it will take a week or so to find and assemble CC vols.

  6. Then, there is the aspect of vol training and other considerations.  First, the training.  Worc Uni charges £50.  I need to find out on Weds what that entails.  If it meets our needs, I will be trained ready to train our vols in certain aspects of the DMC care process.  We are not involved in healthcare, but if a caree needs help getting up from a chair, the reflex action is to help.  I need to see if an OTcan train.

  7. Back to publicity timing.  If our initial PR is ready to be sent to the Gazette on or by Mon 19 Sept  it could be published two days later.   Hope for vols to be ready for a meeting a week later on 28 Sept.  Five weeks before the launch.  Should be OK.

  8.   Look at the situation on 28 Sept  when a PR based on the page here is published.  There's six weeks to decide and manage subsequent PRs.  There are two fortnight-apart opps - -  12 Oct to update, and 28 Oct to remind that the doors open a week later.  Public meetings to be decided and included accordingly.

  9. When you have seen the initial PR, it goes to Dr Lennane.    

  10. That done, it goes to the Gazette.- RG  here but after that has been through the same process as this page

  11. The proposed DMC start date is Weds 2 Nov.  If that is too soon, please say when is OK.  Push the following on by whatever time needed.  We proceed without start date in mind.

  12. Copy needed by RG latest Monday 12 Sept for publication on the Weds, one week before.  Date to be decided.
  14. However, if accepted, it will need a full page if the long version is chosen.  

  15. I propose to take the draft in asap  during week commencing tomorrow Monday 5 Sept. Date to be decided.   As there are links, it is on a hidden webpage.  Links removed before RG sees it.

  16. Once the first press release has been accepted by RG,  I will send it to Phil Shackell.  Might bring the next meeting closer.  It is better to decide once things are more developed.


end of Timing

 pagetop                            Email  to DC 5 Sept here