An exploration of the UK carer world

Hidden pages                  storing is learning


A  Saving


This is a page which helps those readers re saving their specific page.  Many readers won't need this info.


You are recommended to save any hidden pages.  A standard title "An exploration.." etc is in the browser.  

Prefix any page with TOPIC etc. It could be on Carer rights.

"An exploration of carer..etc" becomes "RIGHTS An exploration of etc.."  


B  Emails


The system can save emails.  I update but won't always send an email to say so. Five minutes or whenever, after sending an email, I often remember more.  It will be added without further email.

Sometimes, there is a process or sequence in progress which may carry updates.  


It saves flitting between the site and the email.


C   There is no search facility on this website.      


D   Sometimes, it's necessary to hide pages because:

  1. They are revealed as a page progresses and so don't appear in the page title panel until opened
  2. They aren't ready for publication
  3. They are for a specific readership such as user-groups and others with a specific interest
  4. They are a way of communicating certain types of information etc to various groups quickly and independently. 
  5. They are temporary
  6. They are shared between two or more of my websites.  
  7. They are used as a holding system. When I am working on another "heavy" site, this one is quick to use. 

pagetop here