An exploration of the UK carer world

Herefordshire Carers Support Carers Rights Day - provisional report



This is a hidden page.  Blue text (not links) to be removed before opening it. 

The initial aim of this page is to be a better-than-nothing start for whoever tackles the audio record of the meeting. When that aim has been achieved, (and this page updated to a better record). the page will be ready for the general reader as possibly the only www record of the meeting until mid-January.

Anything sent by HCS will be incorporated into the page.   



The Carers Rights Day page is here.   Conduct a search here.

Update 3 Dec - A summary is here.   My comment is here.  Additional comment  here


The rest of the notes need a lot of work.   My comment is here.

pagetop here








Additional material

Family and friends foster carers being treated unfairly, says Ombudsman

Carers who look after young relatives or the children of friends are being treated unfairly by some local authorities, the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) is warning.

In a report issued on Carers’ Rights Day (29 Nov), the LGO highlights the stories of ‘family and friends carers’ receiving unfair treatment, as well as the common issues found in the complaints it handles.

The stories include hundreds of foster carers in a single council who were denied the correct financial support, a grandmother who filed for bankruptcy because she had to give up work, and children being placed at increased risk because councils failed to properly assess the suitability of a family or friend placement.

more   BBC

Benefits for families here.   Turn2us here

Supporting carers

Many frail older people rely on carers to stay independent. But in turn, carers need care. They need to be identified and provided with good information and support. This requires good assessment and effective management. But care managers are under pressure and need to refocus their approach – providing advice, taking carers into account when undertaking assessments and providing services and providing breaks to those households at risk of breakdown. Carers in employment need particular support.

See page 22 here.

Herefordshire Carers Support on Facebook here here here › ... › Finding help where you live › Herefordshire

... help where you liveHerefordshireHerefordshire Carers Support ... Website: ... 11,406 people like us on Facebook.

Support was also enlisted from local voluntary and community sector organisations working with seldom heard groups and virtual consultation was encouraged through the use of Twitter, Facebook and an online discussion forum.   

Source  - Your community - your say (YCYS) here.

HERE FOR the CITY here   42,309 hits 30 Nov but that figure is for all pages on the site 

Alistair Neill, Chief Executive of Herefordshire Council - letter here.



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